PROJECT | finished

Private Sector Adaptation to Climate Change (PSACC)


The global programme Private Sector Adaptation to Climate Change (PSACC) assists MSMEs in assessing climate-related risks and opportunities more effectively and in developing adaptation strategies. It supports these firms in using instruments that allow them to analyse the impact that an increase in extreme weather events has on the delivery of primary products, energy and water, on production, and on sales. The programme helps chambers of commerce, business associations and management consultants to use these methods and to advise SMEs on how to adapt their strategies to climate change.

In order to enable companies to adapt to an increase in the price of energy, water or other inputs resulting from climate change, we often implement measures that increase resource efficiency, improve competitiveness and cut carbon emissions. Materials for advisors, training concepts and measures to promote consultancy markets are some of the tools to build adaptation capacity in the private sector.

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  • Bangladesh
  • Costa Rica
  • Morocco
  • Rwanda
  • MENA
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Central America
  • Tackling climate change